
The Beginning

If I had a dollar for every time I told myself that I would lose 20 lbs by summer, I probably wouldn't need a day job.  The reality of the situation is, that doesn't happen over night.  You don't just wake up and decide that you will never make that turn into the Taco Bell drive thru or that you won't walk down the frozen pizza aisle.  It  takes something more, something to completely wake up your inner determination. Here's where it started… Every year my work has this health screening that all associates who have health insurance need to take in order to keep benefits. NO BIGGIE I wasn't obese, I had a gym membership and I loved smoothies.  I'm pretty sure the worst thing about a health screening is that you have to fast prior to actually going.  Which for me, was the ENTIRE day. Yup, I was smart and waited till the last day and the last time slot to schedule this screening.   The day couldn't go by fast enough.  I swear I sped on the freeway